This post explains how do we change/map existing portal instance with one instance to another CRM Instance. i.e. Once you portal instance is provisioned how to map it to another CRM Instance. When do we consider this scenario: When you are under tight budget and couldn't purchase more portal instances then we can map the available Portal instance to the required CRM instance and validate the portal functionality on new instance. We do not have any Sandbox portal available, all Portal Add-On's are of same price and it depends on which CRM instance we map it. Thing to Note: To manage CRM Portal instance, you need to be a global admin/owner of the Portal in Azure settings. Scenario: I have one Portal instance "Portal Instance - 01" which i need to switch from 'My CRM Instance - 01' to 'My CRM Instance - 02' Process to switch portal instance: 1. Go to Dynamics 365 Administration Center 2. Select Application Tab 3. Select the name of your p...