If you work on CRM portals and mostly into writing JavaScript code then this is for you!! Two kinds of people land on this blog post To have a quick solution - For you, I will provide the solution first :) To learn something new - For you, ill explain the solution in detail later Quick Solution As you want to set the lookup value, keep below values of the lookup handy (in variables) in JavaScript code 1. GUID: Guid value of the Target Entity 2. Name: Name field of the Target Entity to display as the selected lookup value. 3. EntityName: Enity Name of the Target Entity. Use the above three values as shown below! Done your look up should be set after execution of below JavaScript code. Understanding the Solution CRM lookup features: 1. Can hold any type of entity 2. Always displays the value of 'Name' field (Which is required and mandatory for all the entitie...